The social representation of the dignity of the human being according to the students of University of Goiás - UEG




dignity, solidarity, respect, conditions, equality


The research accomplished about the dignity of the human being, interconnected to a Macroproject, which theme is the Federal Constitution, Fundamental Rights and Social Representation has brought a perspective in the view of the university students and their social representation. The universal principle of dignity, its historical and conceptual context were studied. In practical, an interview was carried out detect the social representation of academic people of Law, Biological Sciences and Agronomy courses, at Palmeiras de Goiás Unit at University of Goiás. The research also analyzed, using the  Social Representations Theory, the meaning of this principle for the students of the courses mentioned,  in the social perspective of the human being and also on the performance of the State, as the precepts fulfiller of the Federal Constitution and a defender of the public interest. The research used as a qualitative and quantitative research methodology, bibliographic research, built through the great legal scholars works, as well as the precepts of the Declaration of Human Rights, a document instituted by the United Nations - UN, in 1984. A data collection was also applied, taking part 137 individuals divided as follows: 62 students from the law course, 40 students from the biological sciences course and finally 35 students from the agronomy course. The scientific contributions achieved were the arise of a supposed academics social representation  in relation to the human dignity principle. Through the data survey, it was possible to verify that academic ones own a perception that dignity is refered to five words, which were most evoked by them, "Equality", "Respect", "Law", "Conditions" and "Solidarity" . From these words an analysis was carried out, concluding that the analysed people believe that in order to exist dignity, equality is needed, being treated in accordance to the law, under equal conditions. It is also needed respect the rights and the minimum conditions to be given to the most needy ones. This combined with solidarity, that should be provided by the State, one of the Federative Republic of Brazil's objectives, as well of the society, that means, it is needed to have a fair and solidary one.


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How to Cite

Santos, C. (2021). The social representation of the dignity of the human being according to the students of University of Goiás - UEG . Revista Do Instituto De Direito Constitucional E Cidadania, 6(1), e022.