Latin american cooperation to reduce poverty and protect human rights



Palabras clave:

Pobreza, Pobreza extrema, Economia, Direitos sociais e culturais, Acesso à justiça


This paper analyzes the challenges to eradicate poverty and extreme poverty in Latin America. Moreover, it seeks to understand the recommendations from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights on this topic. Accordingly, this paper focuses on the United Nations and the Inter-American human rights systems to combat poverty (the legal instruments and monitoring bodies) and the goals states need to follow to better protect economic, social and cultural rights, and to provide an effective access to justice in the Americas.

Biografía del autor/a

Valerio de Oliveira Mazzuoli, Federal University of Mato Grosso, Cuiabá, MT, Brasil

Associate Professor of the Faculty of Law of the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil. PhD summa cum laude in International Law (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil). Master of Laws (São Paulo State University, Brazil). Former postdoctoral researcher at the Lisbon University, Portugal. Professor of the Masters Program in Human Rights at the University of Itauna, Brazil. Member of the Brazilian Society of International Law and the Brazilian Association of Democratic Constitutionalists. Attorney at Law


IACHR, Third Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Paraguay, 2001, § 5.

IACHR, Third Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Paraguay, 2001, Chap. V, § 10.

CEPAL, Social Panorama of Latin America, New York, 2018.

IACHR, Preliminary report on poverty, extreme poverty, and human rights in the Americas, 2016, § 18-21.

UN, Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, General Observationnº 3, § 10; andUN, Human Rights

Council, The Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Doc. A/HRC/Res./21/11.

UN, Human Rights Council, The Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Doc. A/HRC/

Res./21/39, § 11.

UN, Human Rights Council, The Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Doc. A/HRC/

Res./21/39, § 12.

OAS, Plan of Action of the Social Charter of the Americas, Res. 2878 (XLV-O/15).

CEPAL, Social Panorama of Latin America, New York, 2018.

IACHR, Preliminary report on poverty, extreme poverty, and human rights in the Americas, 2016, § 70

IACHR, Preliminary report on poverty, extreme poverty, and Human rights in the Americas, 2016, §§ 91-142.

Int-Am. Court H.R., Lagos del Campo Case Vs. Peru, 31 August 2017, case n. 340; and Int-Am. Court H.R., San Miguel Sosa Case and Others Vs. Venezuela, 8 February 2018,case n. 348.

Int-Am. Court H.R., Velásquez Rodríguez Case Vs. Honduras, 29 July 1988, case n. 4, § 172.

CEPAL, Social Panorama of Latin America, 2018.

IACHR, Preliminary report on poverty, extreme poverty, and human rights in the Americas, 2016, §§ 241.

Int-Am. Court H.R. Advisory Opinion nº 11 (1990), § 22.

IACHR, Preliminary report on poverty, extreme poverty, and human rights in the Americas, 2016, Conclusion, § 13.



Cómo citar

Mazzuoli, V. de O. . (2020). Latin american cooperation to reduce poverty and protect human rights. Revista Do Instituto De Direito Constitucional E Cidadania, 3(2), 55-63.